Dream Lodge Group Guaranteed Income Investments - Is it Safe?

Is Dream Lodge Group offering guaranteed investments a scam?

 A question was asked on the popular Money Saving Expert (MSE) website about Dream Lodge group selling holiday cottages for a guaranteed return of 8% per year.

It appears that Dream Lodge group were not happy with the comments that were made in the thread and have instructed lawyers to demand that posts are removed and that MSE users give their personal contact details in an effort to get content deleted. Some of the details here have been collated from posts about Dream Lodge Group from the thread where the posters have given permission.

I understand that a number of people have been contacted by the MSE administrator and that the Dream Lodge Group are now using their lawyers in an attempt to bully people into removing posts which question the wisdom of "investing" money with the Dream Lodge Group.

Whilst I am not going to purport to give formal legal advice on this thread, please be aware of the following:

- Under English law, ideas and opinions are incapable of defaming anyone.

- There is not even a requirement that the opinion must be reasonable - it must simply be honestly held and based on true facts.

- If anyone is looking for a true fact on which to base their honest opinion, I confirm that I owned a Dream Lodge which was valued by the Dream Lodge Group at £200,000 and carried that asking price. Upon selling that lodge, I received £75,000 for it. If that is not a true fact, the Dream Lodge Group and their solicitors already have my details and are perfectly free to sue me.

Obviously people must make their own minds up as to what to do but I would urge anyone who has been contacted to simply do a Google Search on the law of "honest opinion" before bowing to the Dream Lodge Group's aggressive tactics.

None of you are under any obligation to provide your personal details to the Dream Lodge Group or its solicitors.


  1. I have been approached numerous times by the Dream Lodge Group (almost weekly telephone calls, texts and emails) and they don't give up! I have said I am not interested but that seems to just energise their efforts in getting me to their parks. I stayed on one of their parks as a guest of a friend who owns an investment lodge, which I have to say was fantastic, but speaking with my friend and other lodge owners on the park, there is a common theme - they do not hold their value! More worryingly is the fact that at the end of the guaranteed investment period it seems that no only do you not earn anywhere near the 8%+ they claim, but they may not even keep you on their books. So you are left with a devaluing asset and no rental income. My friend was offered about 30% less than he originally paid for the lodge!
    In my opinion - If their products were as amazing as they portray, then they wouldn't have to spend so much time and money telling you!

  2. An accurate assessment it turns out - https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-daily-telegraph-your-money/20181124/281539407007938

  3. Dream Lodge illegally and unlawfully took £455,000 pound of my money. Please, Please ensure that you stay away from these Fraudsters and Crooks.They are the Worst Holiday Company in the Country. Their sites are Unlicensed Uninsured and very very UNSAFE. They,do no Criminal Checks on their Staff and had a Convicted Peadophile working at Norfolk. Who was only fired when recognised by a Holiday Maker. Please, Please ensure that you and your Family are safe. IE Avoid Dream Lodge at all Costs


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