Is Blackmore Bonds a Genuine Investment or a scam?

Are Blackmore Bonds a genuine investment or a scam?

Blackmore Bonds are now being advertised on Facebook with more misleading, or more correctly, missing information. All the references are to savings yet Blackmore Bonds are not a savings product, they are an investment where you could lose all of your money. Their risk page is very clear that you may not get your money back. The advert mentions what you can do with your savings, it doesn't say that Blackmore Bonds are not a savings and are very risky.

Blackmore Bonds are not FSCS protected so your money is not guaranteed as it is in a bank account and you could lose all your money.

Are Blackmore Bonds a genuine investment or a scam?
Blackmore Bonds Facebook adverts

Read more about the risks of Blackmore Bonds on the link below but they make clear if you read the page that you could lose all your money and that the bonds cannot be sold or transferred.


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