Vodafone Global Roaming - Alternatives to Ripoff Charges

After being stung by Vodafone's massive hike in global roaming charges I'm looking at alternatives for a visit to the USA this year.

With the mandatory Vodafone Global Roaming you pay £5 per day for every day you use your phone regardless of the usage. So if you send 6 text messages on different days you'll pay £30 for the privilege which is extortionate and a massive hike on the previous roaming options. Worst of all this change is not optional, everyone is switched to this fee for using abroad outside EU - and who knows if it will affect EU countries too after Brexit.

It appears the cheapest option is to buy a PAYG Sim for the 3 network with preloaded credit for 12Gb data and calls/texts which is £20. There are cheaper options with  less data if needed.

Just be aware - if you use your Vodafone SIM anyone outside EU free roaming you will be charged the £5 per day for every day it's activated.


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