Are Direct Property Investments scam bonds?

Are Direct Property Investments selling scam bonds?

It appears that Direct Property Investments have been selling or promoting bonds offered by MJS Capital now known as Colarb. There are many unhappy investors that are complaining that they have not been paid interest on their bonds and are unable to get their money back from MJS Capital.

Remember for any investment - if you want your deposit to be guaranteed then you must use a company that is FSCS protected. Companies that offer unregulated products do not have to meet the strict criteria that applies to regulated companies so can make claims that would not be permitted elsewhere including the use of the word "guaranteed".

If you are looking for “certainty”, “capital protection” or “security”, you should not invest in unregulated products with a risk of 100% capital loss.


  1. Absolutely a bunch of scammers ! Jane Reynolds sold me 4 or 5 bonds all of which turned out to be scams (Colarb among them) as well as some others that I didn´t take up, thankfully. I never heard back from her or received any help from her or Direct Properties. Hope she enjoyed her commissions as I suffer as a scammed, worse off pensioner.


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