Fluid ISA Bond Liquidation - Was It A Scam & Will I Get Money Back?

 It's been announced that Fluid ISA Bond Ltd has been placed into liquidation meaning investors are now in the line of creditors to wait for any possible recovery of funds. Unfortunately the administrators have advised that they do not foresee any money being available to distribute to bondholders. It appears that the Fluid ISA website being "down for maintenance" some months ago was the prelude to this as it never actually came back from maintenance.

You can see the previous post about lack of redemption payments here

Sadly another mini bond saga where investors have lost money, some of whom don't appear to have really known or understood what they were investing their money into. The liquidators will need to assess whether Fluid ISA bond was genuine or whether it was a scam that needs further investigation.

You can read the Gazette notice here


Fluid ISA Bond Liquidation - Was it a Scam? Will I get money back?
Fluid ISA Bond Liquidation - Was it a Scam?


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