Blackmore Bond - Fraud by FCA to conceal evidence?

Blackmore Bond has featured in this blog for a number of years as it was clearly making fraudulent claims about the security of the investments that it was offering and selling them to unsuitable investors rather than those that were sophisticated or High Net Worth.

The journalist Paul Carlier has published some astonishing allegations of fraud by the FCA at the hightest levels to attempt to cover up the true situation at Blackmore Bond. If these are true it is absolute dynamite as to how the FCA is working and the techniques its staff use to deal with such cases.

His article includes summaries about the position of the Capital Guarantee scheme that Blackmore Bond claimed would compensate bondholders should the company fail. The insurance company for that guarantee is based in Costa Rica and has stated that no valid claim has yet been made on that policy.

According to Paul it appears that the FCA is deliberately withholding evidence of fraud to prevent the policy from being voided and failing to pay investors.

You can read Paul's article here


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