UK Deaths from Covid19 Coronavirus ONS

The latest ONS (Office for National Statistics) data on UK deaths has been released today and paints a worrying picture about the increase in fatalities since the Coronavirus pandemic struck. As mentioned in my previous post these numbers lag the official daily Coronavirus deaths as they are based on registered deaths across the country not just those that happened in hospital.

The numbers have shown a significant jump compared to the average for the last 5 years and for the first months of 2020.

While the official UK numbers of Coronavirus deaths was reported as 14576 up to 17th April 2020 the numbers using the ONS data are significantly high, in fact they are almost double the numbers recorded. It's important to note that these can also include deaths where the person didn't get medical treatment for another condition but a large majority of these excess deaths are likely to be Covid-19 related.

Using this ONS data it shows there were over 26,000 excess deaths compared to the average of the last 5 years. Clearly there will be some annual variation but that's in the hundreds not thousands.

You can view the raw data here


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