Blackmore Bonds Warning - How Safe Are They Really?

After the notice issued by the FCA about London Capital and Finance where investors are currently waiting to find out if they will get their money back from the company the warnings by the FCA are equally applicable to Blackmore Bonds that use the same methods as LCF to attract new business.

Both companies used websites called Top ISA Rates or Best Savings Rates to promote themselves. These sites are specifically used to target investment into the high risk bond products by promoting the bonds alongside savings accounts.

Blackmore Bonds Warning - How Safe Are They Really?
Blackmore Bonds Warning - How Safe Are They Really?
The FCA were scathing about the promotion of these bonds alongside cash ISA and savings products with no mention that there was no similarity between them. Savings accounts are safe and protected by FSCS but Blackmore bonds are high risk unprotected, unregulated investments where you can lose ALL your money.


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