Who Owns London Capital & Finance?

According to accounts at Companies House the owner of London Capital & Finance as of 2016 was a company called London Financial Group. The owner of London Financial Group is none other than Michael Andrew Thompson of LCF who sold his shareholding to the London Financial Group company in 2016. A way to keep the assets from being attached to him personally?

Who Owns London Capital & Finance?
Who Owns London Capital & Finance?

Look at the details of London Financial Group and their next accounts are due shortly on 26 January 2019. Will they file on time or delay as per LCF tactics?

Their previous accounts show they are in negative equity to the tune of £2007. That's right, no zeros missing - they owe £2007 more than their assets are worth. This is the ultimate owner of  London Capital & Finance at the moment who owes more than the £5000 minimum that a bondholder had to invest into LCF.


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