LCF How Many Loans/Borrowers do London Capital Finance Have?

According to the most recent accounts (more recent accounts have been delayed due to LCF using a loophole to avoid publication) London Capital Finance only have 11 borrowers so they have only lent money to 11 companies although that is an increase from the 6 of the previous year.

The majority of these companies appear to be ones controlled by London Power which runs from the same address and with some of the same directors as London Capital Finance. 

LCF How Many Loans/Borrowers do London Capital Finance Have?
LCF How Many Loans/Borrowers do London Capital Finance Have?

With a loan book valued at £58m that's an average of over £5 million per loan. This is an average, it's possible that some were much higher value loans. 

Were London Capital & Finance bond holders aware that there was such a small pool of borrowers with loans as this significantly increases the risk? One loan going bad can wipe a significant portion of the bonds out in one go.

From the accounts CV Resorts would appear to be one of the borrowers with £5.7 million loan. This company has not traded in the last 4 years so how has it been able to pay any interest back to allow bondholders to be paid their 8% interest? 

8% of £5 million is a significant sum to not be getting over the last 3 years


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