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Somebody has sent me an (anonymous, ironically but I suspect an employee from LCF) message via comments claiming that I’m just an anonymous stirrer and claiming I have no knowledge or credentials to comment on financial or consumer matters. The Blog name refers to statistics being used incorrectly to justify news stories, it’s not a reflection on the content being lies! Perhaps some background might help but it’s up to you if you want to believe any blog posts here.

I’ve been an investor for nearly 25 years starting with investment trusts in the mid 1990s and run a share & investment portfolio mainly inside an ISA as well as a SIPP pension. I’ve been Managing Director of my own company for 15 years so have a lot of knowledge of company formation, accounts & the Companies House process. I’ve been investigating scams and consumer ripoffs for around 12 years and have been repeatedly threatened for exposing companies that scam and con people out of money. You can probably understand from this why I don’t publish my name and photo online.

I raised the alarm about London Capital & Finance nearly 2 years ago and then reported them to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You can see from this blog the number of other schemes that are offering very similar products that I’m also warning about as they are similar risk and could involve investors losing their money as is possible with LCF. I continued to post warnings about LCF ISA Bonds during 2017 and 2018 so I think I have a bit of history knowing how London Capital & Finance were operating.

In addition to scam warnings I've also posted articles advising people how to get the best from bank accounts and to get over 4% interest guaranteed and fully FSCS secured having been told that this was impossible.

Some of the original blogs I posted about incorrect stats are one like this claiming first time buyers put down 80% deposits!

The aim of the blog is that it might help some people understand finance more, ask more searching questions before buying products and hopefully stop people being ripped off buying unsuitable financial products.

Story over!

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