Pegasus Property Mortgage Litigation Investment - Is it Real?

A company called Pegasus Property Investments are offering what they call an ethical investment in Mortgage Litigation funding that they claim returns growth of 40% or more.

They fail to tell you that this is a high risk unregulated investment that is not protected by FSCS so there is the potential for you to lose all your money.

Unfortunately they give limited information on the adverts and seem to be pushing people to register their details which I've not done yet.

Suffice to say it's not something you should consider if your key priorities are safety and security of your money. The adverts say your money is fully insured but fails to warn you of all the potential reasons why this insurance may not pay out in the event of a claim.

Pegasus Property Mortgage Litigation Investment - Is it Real?
Pegasus Property Mortgage Litigation Investment - Is it Real?

It's important to realise that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has ordered lenders to work out who is affected, and how much they are owed."
The article also says "On average, those who are eligible for payments will receive redress "in the low hundreds" of pounds, the FCA said."

If the FCA are asking the lenders to work out how much is owed, and to whom, why is there the need for any litigation to recover funds for individuals?


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